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Our Privacy Policy

We care about protecting your privacy. We have created a “Privacy Policy” with the aim of determining the current rules below on the privacy of information that our Users and Members has given on our internet site (“Our Site”) at the link https://www.gizemsahan/, protection, and other issues. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before becoming a member of our site and this means that you have approved this Privacy Policy and given approval for the use and sharing of the information provided on Our Site for the duration that your membership of our Site continues even though what is stated below is not suitable for you. This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time and we recommend that it is reviewed by our Users and our Members. On Our Site, we collect personal and general information that our Users and our Members provide directly to us. You will be asked to provide your personal information such as name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc., to register as a member of Gizem Şahan Coaching & Consulting or to register by providing your email to Our Site in order to be kept informed of our events and what we are doing. You do not need to register and send us this information to visit our site and access the content of our site. We also collect the invoicing and payment information you have provided when you access some of the services provided by the Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting or purchased membership through Our Site, and the information you provide when you participate in events or surveys conducted by the Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting. Your provision of full and complete information we request from you is directly related to the full presentation of services to be provided to you by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting. When you sign the User Agreement to become a member of Our Site to purchase a service, you will acknowledge, declare and undertake in advance that the information and content you provide within the Site is true, reliable, and lawful. Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting has no obligation such as to investigate the accuracy of the information and content you provide within the Site. Bulk information includes is information such as many people visited Our Site, to which pages they went, what information they downloaded to their device, the type of web browser and operating system they were using, the name of the Internet Service Provider they used, etc.. When you visit our site, we automatically collect this information and combine it with the information we collect from all visitors. By gathering this information, we learn how best to tailor our site to our visitors in the directions of enriching the content of Our Site and Our Site being used effectively. We collect bulk information from the devices through which you access Our Site. Depending on how you use Our Site and the access permissions you have selected for your device, we use standard internet technologies such as cookies and web beacons to collect bulk information. For detailed information about cookies and web beacons, please visit the relevant section on Our Site. In this direction, we collect the following information from our Users and Members:

  • The type and operating system of your Web browser,

  • IP address and device identifiers,

  • The browsing behavior when you visit Our Site, such as the amount of time spent reviewing Our Site online, and the links that you clicked on Our Site,

  • Internet sites you visit before or after our site,

  • Whether you opened or forwarded our e-mails or connected to the offers or links we sent;

  • Your standard or custom geographic locations, such as GPS, Bluetooth, or WiFi signals,

If you use the internet connection, networks, telecommunication systems or data processing systems of Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting, your activities and any files or messages in these systems may also be collected and processed at any time in accordance with applicable law for the purposes of investigation by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting or for compliance with the internal policies of Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting. Excluding those considered above, Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting may collect and process data other than the personal and collective information listed above, to the extent permitted by applicable legislation. In such a case, the personal and collective information collected and processed will be announced to our Users and Members on this legal notice page. Any changes made to this Privacy Policy will be effective from the moment of its publication on Our Site and it will be accepted that these changed have been learned on each entry to the site. The precautions necessary for the security of processes and information entered on Our Site related to invoicing and payment when purchasing membership from Our Site have been taken in the system and internet infrastructure by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting and/or the related Card Institution in according with the nature of the information and process. All transactions and approvals for credit cards and other payment systems are carried out online by you and the relevant Bank and similar Card Institutions independently of us (information such as credit card information is not visible and not recorded by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting). No information in particular, confidential information on credit cards and debit cards, entered by our Users and Members for membership to our site, membership purchases, and information updates, can be displayed by other users. Information about our Users and our Members may be disclosed to the relevant authorities and organizations within the framework of our responsibilities under the legal regulations. In addition, contact information and other information provided at the time of membership may be recorded indefinitely for carrying out your membership processes to our Site, updates, the carrying out of various services by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting and its business partners and suppliers, service fee-cost collections and for various publicity, advertising, promotional, communication, sales and creation of card applications, stored and processed at Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting and determined institutions, and may be shared and used when deemed necessary. Where our site links to other internet sites, the privacy/security policy and terms of use of those sites apply to all uses and transactions; Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting cannot be held responsible for advertisements and banners from our site, the use of information from other internet sites accessed to see content or with any other purpose, the ethical principles, privacy/security principles, service quality and other applications of the sites. You can contact Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting via means of the communication channels mentioned on Our Site in the case you need additional information about privacy rules regarding the protection of personal data, site usage conditions and communications, cookies and web beacons. PERSONAL DATA Our Dear Members and Users, We would like to inform you of your rights in the scope of our applications related to the Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting Privacy and Security Principles, Communications, Site Terms of Use and the Processing of Your Personal Data and in the scope of the Protection of Personal Data Act No. 6698 and related legislation. The Privacy Policy and Site Usage Terms whose current principles are stated below on the issues of the privacy, security, processing, transfer of information belonging to our company Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting and our Members on our site , commercial electronic communications, and other matters are valid. The precautions necessary for the security of processes and information given by our Members and Users have been taken in the systems and internet infrastructure by our Company or the related institution in according with the nature of the information and process. All transactions and approvals for credit cards and other payment systems are carried out online by you and the relevant Bank and similar Card Institutions independently of us (information such as credit card information is not visible and not recorded by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting). No information, in particular confidential information related to credit cards and debit cards, entered by our users and members for membership to our site, membership purchases, and information updates, can be displayed by other users. To protect your privacy at all times, in order to take the necessary precautions and to comply with all legal requirements for the processing of personal data, all forms of your information whether membership purchases, contact, and other personal information or not may be processed by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting, its business partners, successors, service providers and suppliers, and third parties or organizations to be determined by them in situations where you have exploited the customer services related to the Membership Model you have purchased, consumer rights, and other opportunities and/or for the commercial, financial, legal liabilities and obligations related to these to be carried out or when necessary or obligatory for legitimate interests provided that they do not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms. In this way, your personal information may be subject to automatic or non-automatic collection, storage or containment in the digital or physical environment in and outside the country with the time foreseen for the statutory maximum periods not to be exceeded, being organize, displayed, used, changed, merged, rearranged, announced, shared, transferred domestically and abroad, transferring, and other processing for legal reasons and in order for your ability to be made to benefit from general and personal services and opportunities and for all kinds of publicity, advertisement, communication, promotion, sales, marketing, credit cards, other payment infrastructures and membership transactions, informants and applications to be carried out by people and institutions considered, and if required by law, your open admission may also be required to be taken for some applications. Social, commercial, and other electronic communications may be made and commercial electronic messages may be sent by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting via SMS/text messages, instant notification, automatic dialling, computer, telephone, e-mail, fax, bluetooth and other wireless networks (if you are in your device) with the aim of publicity, advertisement, communication, promotion, sales and marketing of all kinds of products and services to our Members and Users in accordance with the legislation in force for credit card and other payment infrastructures and membership information for transactions and applications. Where our site links to other internet sites, the privacy/security policy and terms of use of those sites apply to all uses and transactions; Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting cannot be held responsible for advertisements and banners from our site, the use of information from other internet sites accessed to see content or with any other purpose, the ethical principles, privacy/security principles, service quality and other applications of the sites. Our Members and Users are responsible for the information that our Members and Users receive from Our Site or other sites linked to on Our Site, the information that they communicate electronically to the parties, the publicity and advertising, likewise the decisions they make within the framework of all suggestions, and results with all kinds of process and application they make according to these. If the purchase of a product/service by Our Members due to them being informed with determined forms and/or information, publicity, and advertisement made to them, the procedure referred to is subject to distance contracts to be acknowledgedly made separately and legally. Distant contracts are applied on their terms and between their parties. When you purchase membership or services from our site, the preliminary information form and the terms and conditions of the Qualified Office Services Distance Membership Sales Contract will be applicable. Our Members and Users may at any time they wish and without any justification contact Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting through the communication channels stated on our Site and below to stop the processing of personal data and/or commercial electronic communications between them and Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting. In accordance with the clear disclosure of our Members and Users on this issue, all transactions relating to personal data and/or commercial electronic communications for specified channels are suspended within the statutory maximum period, but the transactions and communications permitted by the applicable legislation continue. In addition, information other than those legally required and/or permitted to be stored is deleted from the data registration system or made anonymous so as not to be identifiable if our Members and Users so wish. If they wish, our Members and Users may contact our Company at any time for information regarding the processing of personal data or to obtain information. The applications and requests on these matters will be fulfilled within the legal maximum periods or may not be accepted with the legal reasoning being announced to the party. In this way, we wish to inform you on issues of with what aim the collection management and legal reason of your personal information such as name, surname, nickname, age, gender, marital status, living area, education level, interest contents including interest fields, mobile phone number, device code, IP number and address, e-mail address and location data will be processed and to whom it will be transferred as to whether not the giving of information to you in this way and your personal information was processed or not, and if it was, whether the information related to this was used in accordance to the aim, that you have the right to learn the third parties to whom this was transferred in and out of the country, to know and to request information on all these matters, to request that these be corrected or destroyed in accordance with the legal conditions and method if they have been processed incompletely or wrongly and for this situation to be informed to the third parties to whom your data was transferred, furthermore, to object to the coming into existence of a result against you by your information being analysed with automated systems, and request it be removed in the event that you sustain damage due to the process being in violation of the applicable legislation, that you will be able to apply to our Company Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting the body responsible for data on all these issues (If it is requested that your personal data is deleted or destroyed, that will be made anonymous in a manner where your identity will not be determinable to ensure the same aim) or that your application and/or request will not be accepted with the legal reasoning being announced to you, that in this case you will be able to apply to the legal authorities, and the processing of the personal data for which the carrying out by law is possible or required or obligated will continue in any event. On the issue of all information and content related to our site and their issuance, modification, and partial or complete use, excluding agreements that Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting has made with other third parties, all intellectual and industrial property rights and copyrights belong to Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting. Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to make any amendments that may be required in the above matters and in the services to be provided to its Members; these changes shall take effect as soon as they are announced by Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting on the Site or by any other appropriate means. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any comments, you can contact us by e-mail address or phone number on our site or send an e-mail. We are happy to answer your questions and learn your views. COOKIES We use “cookie” technology on Our Site. Cookies are snippets of information that Our Site transfers in order to keep records on the computer or other devices belonging to the Member and the User. When you visit Our Site, we may place a “cookie” on your computer or other devices. Your online experience on our Site will develop with it being ensured that you save your preferences when visiting our Site. Cookies do not collect any personal data about you, Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting does not communicate any personal data in order to communicate with you, and it does not transmit any information from your computer or other devices. Cookies are used to identify the sections that attract the most interest on our site and are used to give you more on our page and to learn how best to tailor our site to enrich the content on Our Site and ensure that Our Site is used effectively. Temporary cookies are used to determine how many times you have visited our site and are deleted when you exit your internet browser. A persistent cookie is used to record your computer and other devices through your internet browser and notify if you have visited the site before or not when you enter Our Site. You can appeal the use of cookies. When you use a web browser to access Our Site, you can configure your browser to accept all cookies, deny all cookies, or alert you when a cookie is sent. To learn more about changing your cookie preferences, click on your browser’s “Help” menu. Your device’s operating system may include additional controls for cookies. Please note that disabling cookies may affect access and usage properties for certain features of Our Site. Remember that cookies ensure that you benefit from the newest features on the Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting website and have a better online experience and that you should keep cookies open for these reasons. WEB BEACONS Web Beacons and other similar technologies are small pieces of code that communicate with third parties on web pages, advertisements, and e-mails. For example, web beacons can be used to identify the number of users who visit a particular web page, distribute cookies, or communicate and understand usage habits. In addition, web beacons can be used in e-mails to understand whether or not commercial electronic messages are opened, processed, or transmitted. Electronic images and ad titles, often seen as part of internet pages, act as web beacons. Third-party advertisers who advertise on my site can use cookies and web beacons in their ads. Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting has no control over the cookies and web beacons of third parties. In addition to this, Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting may use cookies or web beacons when they publish their advertisements on the websites of other companies. All information collected in this way is managed in accordance with the Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting Privacy Policy. You can contact Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting for additional information on all these issues. Our Members and Users may notify Gizem Sahan Coaching & Consulting of their requests and complaints through the following communication channels. İnonu Cad. M. Ali Akman Mah. No:658 Konak/İzmir, Turkey

 Tel: +90 5327613082

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